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Descr: Philips TV A02U-aa chassis a02_uaa_889.pdf
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Colour Television Chassis A02U AA E_13950_000.eps 030304 Contents Page Contents Page 1. Technical Specifications, Connections, SSB: RGB Processing (Diagr. B7) 51 62-63 and Chassis Overview 2 SSB: Sync & Deflection Proc. (Diagr. B8) 52 62-63 2. Safety Instructions, Warnings, and Notes 4 SSB: Protection (Diagr. B9) 53 62-63 3. Directions for Use 6 SSB: Audio Processing (Diagr. B10) 54 62-63 4. Mechanical Instructions 8 SSB: Control (Diagr. B11) 55 62-63 5. Service Modes, Error Codes, and Faultfinding 11 SSB: Contr.-Mem.y Interf. (EBIU) (Diagr. B12) 56 62-63 6. Block Diagrams, Testpoint Overviews, SSB: Contr.-Mem. Interf. (SDRAM) (Diagr. B13) 57 62-63 and Waveforms SSB: ADOC Supply (Diagr. B14) 58 62-63 Wiring Diagram 21 SSB: Low Voltage Supply ADOC (Diagr. B15) 59 62-63 Block Diagram LSP Supply and Deflection 22 SSB: 3D COMB Filter (Diagr. B17) 60 62-63 Testpoint Overview LSP and CRT 23 SSB: Connector Interface (Diagr. B18) 61 62-63 Block Diagram 1 Audio & Video 24 Side I/O Panel (Diagr. D) 64 65 Block Diagram 2 Audio & Video 25 CRT Amplifier (Diagr. F1) 66 68-69 Testpoint Overview SSB 26 Auto SCAVEM (Diagr. F2) 67 68-69 I2C Ov

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